Best Workouts To Get More Explosive

exercises strength training workouts Jul 05, 2024

Are you ready to unlock your true athletic potential? Imagine being able to jump higher, sprint faster, and unleash explosive power in your sport of choice. This is all possible through the power of explosive strength training. Let’s dive into the world of workouts to get more explosive and discover how you can transform your athletic performance!

Key Takeaways

  • Unlock explosive strength and maximize athletic performance with powerful movements, fast-twitch muscle fibers, and Rate of Force Development (RFD)!

  • Push yourself to the max with quality explosive exercises for improved speed & power. Focus on proper form, intensity & progression!

  • Maximize results by combining supersets/circuit training w/recovery techniques like nutrition, rest & injury prevention for lasting success!

The Science Behind Building Explosive Strength

Explosive power is a game-changer for athletes, enabling them to outperform their competition with speed, agility, and force generation.

Understanding the biomechanics and physiology behind fast movements is a key step towards fully unlocking your explosive potential. By focusing on fast-twitch muscle fibers and rate of force development (RFD), you can optimize your performance in sports that demand quick, powerful movements.

Effective training methods for explosive strength, such as plyometric, resistance, and sport-specific training, help athletes generate greater force during their movements, leading to improved performance in their respective sports. A solid understanding of the fundamentals of explosive training, such as the role of a half squat position in specific exercises, is pivotal in building explosive speed and power.

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch muscle fibers are the key to quick and powerful movements, providing sudden bursts of energy for activities like sprinting and jumping.

One crucial aspect of fast-twitch muscle fiber activation is the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), which involves a rapid transition from an eccentric (muscle lengthening) contraction to a concentric (muscle shortening) contraction.

Concentrating on exercises that activate these fast-twitch muscle fibers and emphasize explosiveness over fatigue, maximizes power and speed in your training.

Incorporating plyometric training into your workouts can help you target and develop these fast-twitch muscle fibers, leading to significant improvements in your explosive movements.

Rate of Force Development (RFD)

RFD is essential for explosive strength, as it measures your ability to generate force quickly and efficiently in movements like jumping and sprinting. Improving your RFD can result in enhanced performance in sports that demand explosive strength, such as basketball or track and field.

Creating a dynamically stretched pre-working state, such as the one achieved during a vertical jump, is a great way to improve your RFD. This allows your muscles to be recruited quickly and efficiently, increasing the speed and power of your movements.

Essential Components of an Explosive Strength Workout

Focusing on three key components: proper form, intensity, and progression, is the key to getting the most out of your explosive workouts. Each plays a crucial role in ensuring that your training is both safe and effective, as well as helping you achieve the best results.

Proper form is vital for maximizing power output and minimizing the risk of injury during explosive workouts. Additionally, intensity is key to activating fast-twitch muscle fibers and improving RFD. Lastly, progression is fundamental for continuous improvement and avoiding plateaus in your training.

Incorporating these essential components into your explosive workouts can help you unlock your full athletic potential, boosting your speed, power, and efficiency in movement. Concentrating on these elements sets you on the path to maximizing your explosive strength and performance.

Proper Form

Maintaining proper form is crucial for ensuring that you get the most out of your explosive workouts while keeping yourself safe from injury. For example, when performing a Split Squat Jump, follow these steps:

  1. Start by stepping one foot backward and sinking into a deep lunge, with your rear knee lightly touching the floor.

  2. Explode off the ground, and jump into the air.

  3. Switch your legs in midair so you land in a lunge position with the opposite leg forward.

By following these steps, you can perform the Split Squat Jump with proper form and maximize your workout effectiveness.

Another example is the Barbell Forward Lunge exercise. To perform it with proper form, follow these steps:

  1. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and hinge down to grip your barbell with a flat back.

  2. Step forward into a lunge position.

  3. Return to the starting position.

Ensuring that you follow the correct technique when performing explosive exercises will maximize your power output and minimize the risk of injury, allowing you to apply maximum force.

Intensity Building for Explosive Strength

In explosive workouts, intensity is essential for targeting fast-twitch muscle fibers and improving RFD. Pushing yourself to your maximum effort stimulates your muscles to be recruited quickly and efficiently, resulting in increased speed and power in your movements.

It’s important to remember that when it comes to intensity, quality of movement is more important than just pushing yourself to exhaustion. By focusing on the quality of your explosive movements and maintaining proper form, you’ll be able to see significant improvements in your athletic performance.


Progression is a key component of explosive workouts, as it allows you to continually improve and avoid stagnating in your training. To make progress in explosive workouts, you can gradually increase the intensity of the exercises, the number of repetitions, and the amount of weight used.

Varying the exercises and the order in which they are performed can also help challenge your body and achieve success in your explosive training. Incorporating progression into your workouts allows you to reach new heights and continually improve your explosive strength.

Top Explosive Strength Exercises for Speed and Power

To take your explosive training to the next level, consider incorporating top explosive exercises like plyometric exercises, Olympic lifts, and medicine ball throws into your workouts. These exercises target various muscle groups and movement patterns, helping you develop speed and power specific to your sport.

Plyometric exercises, such as box jumps and depth jumps, improve explosive power, speed, and agility. Olympic lifts, like the snatch and clean and jerk, develop full-body power and coordination. Medicine ball throws enhance upper body explosiveness and core strength.

Incorporating these top explosive exercises into your training regimen unlocks your full athletic potential and leads to significant improvements in your sports performance.

Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric exercises are designed to harness the power of the stretch-shortening cycle, helping you build explosive strength and power. Box jumps, for example, involve jumping onto a raised surface from a half squat position, engaging various lower body muscles and improving your vertical jump.

Depth jumps, another plyometric exercise, involve dropping from a height and then immediately jumping upwards, maximizing the stretch-shortening cycle and boosting your explosive power. Incorporating plyometric exercises into your workouts enhances your ability to generate force quickly and efficiently, which improves speed and power.

Olympic Lifts for Explosive Strength

Olympic lifts are a fantastic way to develop full-body power and coordination, as they involve complex movements that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

The snatch, for example, is a lift that requires you to explosively lift a barbell from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion, engaging muscles throughout your entire body.

The clean and jerk, another Olympic lift, combines two movements: the clean, which involves lifting a barbell from the ground to the shoulders, and the jerk, which requires you to press the barbell overhead from the shoulders.

Incorporating Olympic lifts into your explosive training can help you build the raw power and coordination needed for peak athletic performance.

Medicine Ball Throws

Medicine ball throws are an excellent way to enhance upper body explosiveness and core strength. One example is the underhand wall ball exercise, which involves:

  1. Standing 1-2 meters away from a wall

  2. Holding a medicine ball between 4-10kg at waist height with an underhand grip

  3. Throwing the ball up as high as possible

Aim for 6-10 reps for maximum benefit.

Incorporating medicine ball throws into your explosive workouts builds upper body strength and power, which directly translates to improved sports performance.

Sport-Specific Explosive Strength Workouts

To truly excel in your chosen sport, it’s important to focus on sport-specific explosive workouts tailored to the unique demands and movement patterns of each sport. Here are some examples:

  • For basketball players, explosive workouts that target vertical jump, agility, and quickness are essential.

  • Soccer athletes should emphasize acceleration, deceleration, and change of direction in their explosive training.

  • Track and field athletes should focus on workouts that improve sprinting, jumping, and throwing power.

These sport-specific explosive workouts are crucial for success in each respective sport.

Incorporating sport-specific explosive workouts into your training program allows the development of the speed and power needed to excel in your chosen sport and outperform your competition.


Basketball-specific explosive workouts can help improve your vertical jump, agility, and quickness on the basketball court. Some examples of these workouts include:

  • Trap bar deadlifts

  • Jump squats

  • Plyometrics

  • Explosive sprints

  • Back pedaling

These exercises target the unique demands of basketball, allowing you to unlock greater explosive power and enhance your overall performance in the sport.

Soccer for Explosive Strength Building

Soccer-specific explosive workouts that can help you develop the acceleration, deceleration, and change of direction needed to excel on the soccer field include:

  • Carioca exercises

  • Plyometric training

  • Split squats

  • Box jumps

  • Deep squats

  • Hurdle jumps

By focusing on these exercises, you’ll be able to improve your agility and quickness, giving you a competitive edge in soccer.

Track and Field

For track and field athletes, explosive workouts that focus on:

  • sprinting

  • plyometric drills

  • high-speed running

  • med ball exercises

  • sport-specific training

Our speed training program, designed to enhance an athlete’s ability, can help you achieve peak performance in your events. These workouts target the unique demands of track and field events, allowing you to develop the speed, power, and endurance needed to excel.

Combining Exercises for Maximizing Explosive Strength

To truly maximize your explosive training results, consider combining exercises using methods like supersets and circuit training.

Supersets involve performing two exercises back-to-back with minimal rest, often pairing a strength exercise with an explosive movement.

Circuit training, on the other hand, consists of a series of exercises performed one after another with minimal rest, targeting various muscle groups and energy systems.

Incorporating these methods into your explosive workouts allows you to simultaneously target multiple muscle groups and energy systems, leading to greater overall gains in speed, power, and athletic performance.


Supersets are an excellent way to boost the intensity of your workouts and maximize your results in a shorter time frame. Performing two exercises back-to-back with minimal rest targets multiple muscle groups and energy systems, leading to greater overall gains in speed, power, and endurance.

For example, pairing a strength exercise like a bench press with an explosive movement like plyometric push-ups can help you build both power and muscular endurance through power training.

Circuit Training for Explosive Strength

Circuit training is another great method for combining exercises to achieve maximum results. Performing a series of exercises in a circuit-like fashion with minimal rest between exercises targets various muscle groups and energy systems at the same time. This type of training can help:

  • Boost your overall strength

  • Improve your endurance

  • Enhance your cardiovascular fitness

  • Burn calories and fat

Plus, circuit training can be customized to fit your fitness level, making it a versatile and effective option for explosive training.

Recovery and Injury Prevention

Recovery and injury prevention in explosive training ensure long-term success and continued progress. Proper nutrition, rest and recovery, and injury prevention techniques all play a critical role in optimizing your athletic performance and minimizing the risk of injury.

Proper nutrition is crucial for fueling explosive workouts and promoting muscle recovery and growth. Adequate rest and recovery, on the other hand, are vital for allowing the body to repair and adapt to the demands of explosive training.

In addition, incorporating injury prevention techniques such as proper warm-ups, cool-downs, and mobility exercises can help reduce the risk of injury during explosive workouts.

Taking the time to prioritize recovery and injury prevention in your explosive training regimen unlocks your full athletic potential and enables you to achieve lasting success in your chosen sport.

Nutrition for Fueling Explosive Strength

Nutrition plays a major role in fueling explosive workouts and promoting muscle recovery and growth. Consuming adequate calories, carbohydrates, and protein provides the body with the energy and nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild muscle tissue after intense training sessions.

Incorporating protein-rich foods into your diet will help you meet your daily protein needs and ensure optimal recovery. Some examples of protein-rich foods include:

  • Eggs

  • Chicken

  • Turkey

  • Fish

  • Steak

  • Yogurt

  • Cheese

  • Milk

Rest and Recovery

Adequate rest and recovery are essential for optimal performance in explosive training. Ensuring that you take breaks between workouts, get plenty of sleep, and incorporate recovery techniques like foam rolling, massage therapy, and contrast baths can help prevent overtraining and allow your body to recover from the demands of explosive training.

Additionally, active recovery activities like stretching and yoga can help prevent overtraining and ensure that you continue to make progress in your explosive workouts.

Injury Prevention Techniques for Explosive Strength Workouts

Injury prevention techniques are crucial in minimizing the risk of injury during explosive workouts. Proper warm-ups, such as dynamic stretching and mobility exercises, help prepare your body for the demands of explosive training and reduce the risk of injury.

Cool-downs, which can include static stretching and foam rolling, aid in muscle recovery and help prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Incorporating these techniques into your training regimen helps you to stay injury-free and continue making progress in your explosive workouts.


Explosive strength training is a powerful tool for unlocking your true athletic potential and achieving peak performance in your chosen sport. By understanding the science behind explosive power, incorporating the essential components of an explosive workout, and utilizing top explosive exercises, sport-specific workouts, and effective training methods like supersets and circuit training, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing your speed, power, and agility.

Don’t forget the importance of proper nutrition, rest, and recovery, as well as injury prevention techniques, to ensure long-term success in your explosive training journey. Now, go unleash your explosive power and dominate the competition!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do explosive strength workout everyday?

It’s best to start off slowly and limit explosive workouts to once per week, as they can cause a lot of wear and tear on your body. Overdoing it will definitely leave you feeling sore the next day!

What are 5 exercises for building explosive strength?

Power up your strength training with Jump Squats, Plyometric Push-ups, Kettlebell Swings, Medicine Ball Slams, and Deadlifts to enjoy the benefits of 7 Different Types of Strength.

What is the most explosive lift?

The power clean is one of the most explosive lifts, but if you’re looking for the most explosive lift of all, then the hang snatch takes the cake. It’s great for improving your athletic performance, and it really packs a punch.

What are the benefits of incorporating plyometric exercises into my explosive strength workouts?

Incorporating plyometric exercises into your explosive workouts can help you build strength and power, while improving the efficiency of your explosive movements. Take advantage of the stretch-shortening cycle to maximize your gains!

How can Olympic lifts help me develop explosive strength, power and coordination?

Olympic lifts provide an effective way to increase your overall power and coordination, working multiple muscle groups simultaneously to maximize gains in strength, power and agility.

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