How Many Calories Burned Running a Mile - How Much Should I Run?
Feb 07, 2023
Do you want to know how many calories you burn running a mile? It’s important to know how many calories you’re burning when you run, because you want to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your workout, and burn more calories than you’re taking in. In this article, we’ll show you how many calories are burned running a mile on average, as well as how much you should be running each day to lose weight or maintain body weight. We’ll also provide information on how many miles correspond with different calorie burn rates!
Calculating Calories Burned Running
There are a few different ways to calculate how many calories you burn running a mile. The most accurate way to calculate calorie burn is to use a heart rate monitor, which will show how many calories you’re actually burning based on your heart rate. However, not everyone has access to a heart rate monitor, so we’ll also show you how many calories are burned running a mile based on body weight and intensity of the run.
Estimates of Calories Burned Running a Mile
The number of calories you burn while running is largely determined by how many miles you run. According to HealthStatus, a 155-pound person burns approximately 11. four calories per minute while running. This means that if you weigh 155 pounds and run for 30 minutes at a moderate pace, you will have burned approximately 345 calories total. Of course, the less you weigh or slower your pace, the fewer calories you’ll burn; and the faster your pace and more you weigh, the more calories you’ll burn per minute as well.
For an estimate of how many calories you burn running a mile, we’ll use the following formula: (0.0175 x MET x weight in kg)/60 = kcal/mile. MET, or metabolic equivalent task, is a unit of measurement that expresses the energy cost of physical activities.
To calculate how many calories you burned running a mile, we’ll use your weight and the average MET for running, which is five. For a 150-pound person, that would look like this: (0.0175 x MET x 150)/60 = 12.92 kcal/mile burned. So, for every mile you run, you can expect to burn about 13 calories.
Now let’s say you weigh 200 pounds and want to know how many calories you burn running a mile at different paces. Here’s the number of calories per mile you’ll burn:
– 12 minutes per mile: (0.0175 x MET x 200)/60 = 17.22 kcal/mile
– 11 minutes per mile: (0.0175 x MET x 200)/60 = 18.52 kcal/mile
More Ways To Burn Calories
As you saw earlier, the faster you run the more calories you’ll burn per mile. But how does that compare to other activities? Here are some common activities and their calories burned per minute:
– Brisk walking: (0.0175 x MET x 150)/60 = 11.25 kcal/minute
– Swimming: (0.0175 x MET x 200)/60 = 15.00 kcal/minute
– Bicycling: (0.0175 x METx 250)/60 = 18.75 kcal/minute
– Running: (0.0175 x MET x 300)/60 = 22.50 kcal/minute
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