Speed Training in Los Angeles
Jun 26, 2023
Improve Overall Sports Performance With Focused Speed Training
At The Performance Lab of California we put a focus on speed development for athletes by training the proper technique required to run faster. We are located in the Los Angeles area and work with a wide variety of different athletes in different sports.
Professional speed trainer helping athlete with their start set up
Talk To One Of Our Speed Coaches: Call 818-578-5013
Within the last few years there has been a tremendous amount of growth within a wide variety of youth sports in the Los Angeles area. These sports include lacrosse, flag football, men and women’s soccer, track and field as well as baseball/softball. The participation has grown a ton which means the need for training has grown as well.
For all those sports speed as well as agility are essential for success. Really speed and agility are very similar in how they are trained as well as executed.
The Difference Between Speed And Agility
Speed and agility training drill
The difference between speed and agility really comes down to the direction the athlete is moving. When training speed it is more straight ahead or how fast someone can get from one point to another.
Where agility has more to do with moving side to side well as well as starting and stopping. In sports like track and field speed training and development is more of a focus because there is not as much change of direction. While field sports require more agility training in order to best suit the athlete’s needs.
Performance Lab of California Speed Program For Athletes
Performance Lab Biomechanics Data Testing
Our training facility is in the Los Angeles area and we emphasize developing speed and agility in youth athletes.
We do this by putting an emphasis on coaching the technique of the movements needed in order to run fast, move side to side, accelerate/decelerate and much more. The reason why teaching the technique is so important is because not only does it improve performance but also improves the risk for injury.
Injury Prevention Training
Injury Prevention Training To Promote Improved Athletic Performance
An important part of our athlete performance programs is adding injury prevention training. It is important for athletes to learn at a young age the correct movement patterns to stay healthy. The comparison is to building a house, the most important thing is to build a great foundation before building a new house.
Building an athlete is very, where as a coach it is important to build a great foundation of movement before adding power, strength, speed, agility, etc. So during each session we emphasize the ability for the athletes to control the body to reduce risk of injury.
Video Analysis Of Session and Drills
Top End Speed Training on How To Get Faster Immediately
During many of the sessions at The Performance Lab the actual movements are captured with high speed cameras like you can see above. This gives the power to the trainers to slow down fast movements in order to pinpoint every action the athlete is doing.
This is important during speed and agility drills or explosive exercises to capture specific movements of the athletes. Then the coach is able to really show what the athlete can do in order to get better.
Contact One of Our Coaches Now
1 on 1 as well as group speed training available in Los Angeles
Certified Coaches And Trainers
When coming and working with a coach at The Performance Lab, know you are going to be working with a professional who is looking to help you or your loved one reach their goals.
Each and every coach we have has played sports at a collegiate or pro level and wants you to get to the same level or ever better!
Speed Training For Football, Baseball, Softball, Soccer and Many More
Team Training Options
We offer a variety of training options for athletes looking to get faster, improve strength, power or become overall better athletes within the Los Angeles area. There is personal training or one on one which is great for someone looking to make specific improvement.
Additionally, we have small group training between 3-6 athletes who would be training together. This works best for athletes who have similar training goals, play the same sport or are within a similar age group.
Lastly, we do team training for clubs or school teams. Our team training program can be done at a public field or facility as well as within a gym or weight room.
Team Training Options Available In Los Angeles
Getting Started
We want getting started with your training to be as easy as possible. So we set up a free 30 minute assessment for you to get started with your training.
During this assessment we will go in detail into the big needs within your form to address. During this initial assessment our trainer is really looking to identify a few main things.
Learn Proper Cutting and Acceleration Mechanics For Improved Sports Performance
1. Body Control/Balance – how well is the athlete able to do basic drills with control and how well are they able to stay balanced.
Improve First Step And Acceleration With Our Speed Program
2. Speed Assessment – an important part of the training will be speed so analyzing the sprint form is essential to set the standard of what needs to improve.
Customized programs for youth, high school, college and pro athletes looking to improve speed
3. Overall Strength And Range Of Motion – there are certain baselines athletes should be able to accomplish in both strength and mobility when training. These drills will test those to make sure the athlete can meet the standards.
4. Power And Landing – As the training becomes more high intensity there will be more complex drills that will be implemented. In order for the drills to work there must be a basic level of jumping as well as landing established. This is the last and final part of the assessment.
Talk To One Of Our Speed Coaches: Call 818-578-5013
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