PLC Blog

Patrick Mahomes Throwing Mechanics Breakdown how to throw a football how to throw further throw mechanics throwing mechanics Apr 29, 2024

At this point, Patrick Mahomes is the best Quarterback in the NFL. No one has been as consistently great or has won as many Super Bowls as Patrick Mahomes (that is currently playing). Since he took over for the Kansas City Chiefs he has taken the football world by storm with his unorthodox playing s...

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How to Create Hip and Shoulder Disassociation in Your Throw how to create hip and shoulder disassociation in your throw how to throw further quarterback mechanics Jul 25, 2022

Hip and Shoulder Disassociation or separation is the action of moving the hips and shoulders in opposite directions. The ability to achieve more separationĀ isĀ proven as a key contributor to increase velocity when throwing a football or baseball. In this post, we will be going over how to achieve mor...

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