PLC Blog

Why Flat Feet Make You Faster? flat feet run faster speed facts sprint mechanics why flat feet makes you faster Jul 17, 2022

It has been widely talked about all the negatives of having a flat foot or low ankle bone when it comes to sports performance. In today's post, I will go over all the positives that come from having flat feet and how they can actually make you faster.

To start, Usain Bolt, the greatest sprinter o...

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How to Create Horizontal Knee Drive in First Step? first step horizontal knee drive speed development sprint mechanics Jul 14, 2022

Many sprinters have been talking about the importance of the horizontal step, so I decided to write about how to create a horizontal knee drive in the first step. In this post, we’ll have a closer look at some of the mistakes people make and how to make sure you create the perfect knee drive in the ...

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How To Get A Quicker Release For Quarterbacks? get a faster release steps in throwing a football throw mechanics Jul 12, 2022

Almost all the quarterbacks realize the importance of getting the ball out of their hands quickly. It sets up the receivers to make more plays with the ball in their hands and also puts more velocity and power into the throw. Knowing how to get a quicker release for quarterbacks can have a significa...

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Knee Extension When Sprinting | What To Train To Get Faster Jun 17, 2022

There have been some interesting comments about knee extension when sprinting on some of the videos that I have made so I thought I would make a post specifically about knee extension. Let’s take a look at the knee extension of the best sprinters in the world to get an idea of what are the correct f...

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How to Train To Become a Better Quarterback? quarterback mechanics Jun 14, 2022

Time is limited and there’s only some of it that you can put into your improvement day in and day out. So it’s essential that you know how to train to become a better quarterback. You can put in hours of activity, but make sure you are improving within all the right areas to better predict your own ...

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How to Apply More Force to the Ground When Sprinting? (5 Tips) Jun 11, 2022

If you are a sprinter, you have probably read a lot about how force production is critical when sprinting. So if you are looking to understand HOW to apply more force to the ground when sprinting, you have come to the right place. At the end of the day, when you are sprinting, each individual step i...

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How To Throw a Perfect Spiral (5 Important Tips) Jun 09, 2022

As a quarterback, there are really two things you are judged on: 1. How hard can you throw the football? and 2. How good is your spiral? In this post, we’ll look at 5 ways you can ensure to throw a perfect spiral. As a Quarterback, throwing a consistent spiral can be difficult as you need to a

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Increase Your Throw Power With The Most Effective Quarterback Stretches Jun 07, 2022

If you are looking for the most effective quarterback stretches to increase throw power, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we will go through some of the shoulder range exercises you could do at your home just inside of a doorway and make it very simple.

Most of the people in t...

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Keys to an Explosive Start run faster speed development sprint mechanics Jun 05, 2022

In this blog post, we will discuss the keys to an explosive start with and without the block. If you are familiar with the world of speed, you have heard the names of Christian Coleman and John Ross. Both of them are known for their explosive starts.

In this piece, we’ll analyze and break down ...

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Quarterback Exercises: 6 Ways to Increase Throw Power Jun 03, 2022

In the previous blog posts, we talked about how to increase throwing power mechanically and looked at a few things you can try to increase your strength. However, when it comes to quarterback exercises, there are some specific workouts that you can do to enhance your overall throw power. It shou

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Top 10 Secrets To Improve Speed Immediately | Sprint Mechanics May 29, 2022

Improving sprint speed is important for any athlete. Most people wrongly believe that the more they practice and build their thigh muscles, the faster they’ll be able to run. The truth is far from it, in this post I’ll cover the top 10 secrets to improve your speed immediately.

There is a saying, “...

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3 Quarterback Drills To Do While Warming Up May 26, 2022

Gait/Sprint Evaluation


The quarterback is arguably one of, if not the most critical position in football.  A successful quarterback leads, dictates, and sets the tone of the game.  With superior vision comes the ability to...

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