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8 Best Strength Training Exercises To Improve Speed exercises speed speed development Mar 13, 2023

Single Leg Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats

When you get to the bottom of the range of motion in an actual squat, a lot of times you find yourself in a little bit more of a flexed spine position in the lower back. In this exercise, you have a more neutral (extended) position in the spine, which will...

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10 Best Plyometric Exercises for Speed exercises speed Mar 06, 2023

What are 10 plyometric exercises specifically designed for speed development?

Below are 10 plyometric exercises to specifically help speed by targeting power, balance, spine position and arm swing or a combination of all aspects in each exercise. When doing plyometric training to improve speed it i...

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Keys To Improving Sports Performance performance sports Feb 24, 2023


Working with a sports performance team

As an athlete looking to prepare themselves for an upcoming season, camp, showcase, combine, etc.

The main question you want to ask yourself is what is it you should be training for? Should you be doing sports specific training, strength training, speed trai...

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How Many Calories Burned Running a Mile - How Much Should I Run? run run faster speed facts Feb 07, 2023

Do you want to know how many calories you burn running a mile? It’s important to know how many calories you’re burning when you run, because you want to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your workout, and burn more calories than you’re taking in. In this article, we’ll show you how many ...

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Active Muscles While Sprinting Jan 31, 2023

Breaking down and understanding the biomechanics of sprinting can ensure safe running and can ultimately help you improve your form and speed. Understanding which muscles are active while sprinting and landing are important aspects of improving your speed. 

When looking at the pictures the green mu...

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Shoulder Soreness Exercises for Quarterbacks Jan 24, 2023

It’s common to have arm soreness after throwing or working out the arm multiple days in a row. Here are 5 great exercises to help relieve shoulder soreness for quarterbacks or pitchers. 

This first exercise is aimed for tightness located in more of the middle of the shoulder. You’re going to want t...

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Why is Jamaica So Good at Sprinting? (Interesting Facts) Jul 26, 2022

Jamaica is a poor nation, but it has the honor of producing one of the fastest runners in the world when it comes to sprinting. Is it merely a coincidence? Well, not really, there are factors at play that make Jamaicans so good at track and sprint. So if you are wondering why is Jamaica so good at s...

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How to Create Hip and Shoulder Disassociation in Your Throw how to create hip and shoulder disassociation in your throw how to throw further quarterback mechanics Jul 25, 2022

Hip and Shoulder Disassociation or separation is the action of moving the hips and shoulders in opposite directions. The ability to achieve more separation is proven as a key contributor to increase velocity when throwing a football or baseball. In this post, we will be going over how to achieve mor...

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How Hamstring Injuries Occur and How to Prevent Them hamstring exercises hamstring injuries prevention how hamstring occur how to prevent hamstring injuries Jul 25, 2022

The general causes for why hamstring injuries occur are the lack of warming up or preparation for any physical activity, overall tightness within the muscles, especially in the lower back and hamstrings, and asymmetrical muscle strength, which can be characterized by the imbalance of strength and we...

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Wrist Position During the Throw to Increase Power and Accuracy Jul 25, 2022

Depending on how you hold the ball, the power and accuracy of the throw differs. No matter what size your hands are, quarterbacks can still have strong throwing power depending on their wrist position during the throw. Athletes that have proper wrist positioning during a throw, not only have better ...

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Longest Football Throw: How Can You Get there? Jul 22, 2022

Are you wondering who holds the record for the longest football throw and how did they do it? You're at the right place, in this post, we'll see the top 5 NFL players who were able to beat the 70 yards distance with their strong throwing arms and techniques.

We'll also have a look at how you can fo...

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Is Speed Genetic? Answering the Nature vs Nurture Debate is speed genetic nature vs nurture speed facts sprint mechanics Jul 20, 2022

I was thinking about this phenomenon and had many questions in mind. Is speed genetic? This takes one back to the age-old nature vs nurture debate. But the answers are really important for someone who has joined sprinting quite late and are wondering can they make a 100m run within 10 seconds.

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